


Exxon: 66 procent propadu

31.07.2009 09:56, Zprávy emitentů
Čistý zisk amerického energetického gigantu Exxon Mobil se ve druhém čtvrtletí meziročně propadl o 66 procent na 3,95 miliardy dolarů kvůli prudkému poklesu cen ropy a plynu. Oznámila to..

Exxon Mobil Corporation Declares Third Quarter Dividend

30.07.2009 11:17, Zprávy emitentů
IRVING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Board of Directors of Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) today declared a cash dividend of 42 cents per share on the Common Stock, payable on September 10, 2009 to..

Second Quarter 2009 XOM Earnings Conference Call

27.07.2009 12:50, Zprávy emitentů
Join David Rosenthal, Vice President - Investor Relations and Secretary, for a discussion of Second Quarter 2009 financial and operating results via audio webcast at 10 a.m. CT on July 30.

ExxonMobil Commences Drilling Libya's First Deepwater Well

16.07.2009 15:08, Zprávy emitentů
TRIPOLI, Libya--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ExxonMobil Exploration Company announced today that its affiliate, ExxonMobil Libya Limited, has started drilling the first deepwater exploration well in Libya. The..

ExxonMobil to Launch Biofuels Program

14.07.2009 13:09, Zprávy emitentů
Focus is on Development of Advanced Biofuels from Photosynthetic Algae Alliance Developed with Leading Genomics Innovator, Synthetic Genomics Inc.

ExxonMobil Chemical to Increase Polypropylene Compounding Capacity at Lillebonne Facility

30.06.2009 16:42, Zprávy emitentů
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ExxonMobil Chemical is investing in increased polypropylene (PP) compounding capacity and capability at its Lillebonne Polypropylene Plant (LPP), France. Capacity will..

ExxonMobil Expands Natural Gas Processing Capacity in Piceance Basin

23.06.2009 11:12, Zprávy emitentů
Facilities in place to steadily increase supplies to U.S. markets Drilling technology, best practices produce more gas more efficiently

ExxonMobil Chemical Demonstrates Technology Leadership at International Rubber Conference 2009

22.06.2009 13:43, Zprávy emitentů
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ExxonMobil Chemical will demonstrate its technology leadership and commitment to the global rubber industry at its booth (number 12-112) at the International Rubber..

Exxon musí platit za havárii

17.06.2009 10:03, Zprávy emitentů
Americká firma Exxon Mobil musí zaplatit 507,5 milionu dolarů jako odškodné za následky havárie svého obřího tankeru Exxon Valdez 24. března 1989. Rozhodl o tom odvolací soud v San..