


ORCO PROPERTY GROUP - Appointment of new CFO

17.12.2014 10:32, Zprávy emitentů
Luxembourg, 15 December 2014

ORCO PROPERTY GROUP - Major Shareholding Notification

05.12.2014 11:19, Zprávy emitentů
ORCO PROPERTY GROUP (the "Company") has been notified about the major shareholding notification in relation to its capital increase of 10 November 2014.

OPG - Announcement of Major Acquisition, Notification of Prepayment of “New Notes”

14.11.2014 10:30, Zprávy emitentů
OPG - Announcement of Major Acquisition, Notification of Prepayment of “New Notes”, ISIN XS0820547742

ORCO PROPERTY GROUP – Capital Increase

11.11.2014 10:06, Zprávy emitentů
ORCO PROPERTY GROUP raises EUR 59.2 million and issues 200 million new shares in a reserved capital increase. Resignation of board members, change in strategy.

ORCO PROPERTY GROUP – Managerial Changes

10.11.2014 08:46, Zprávy emitentů

ORCO - Subscription of shares in CPI PROPERTY GROUP

29.09.2014 15:51, Zprávy emitentů