RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Erste Group acquires 6,23% - stake in BCR

Erste Group acquires 6,23% - stake in BCR

28.11.2011 15:03
Erste Group has completed the first agreements with two SIFs by acquiring 6.23% in BCR against cash and issuance of new shares - Trading in the new shares starts on 28 November 2011

In connection with the announcement published by Erste Group on 14 September 2011 regarding the transaction with the Romanian investment funds SIFs (Societatea de Investii Financiare) to acquire their stake in BCR, upon the completion of the first tranche of agreements with SIF Muntenia and SIF Banat- Crisana a total of 4,249,746 Erste Group shares were issued on 23 November 2011. As a result, the total number of Erste Group shares rose from 378,466,384 to 382,716,130.

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