RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Notice to the Annual General Meeting of Nokia Corporation

Notice to the Annual General Meeting of Nokia Corporation

14.03.2011 09:49
Notice is given to the shareholders of Nokia Corporation (the ”Company”) of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. at Helsinki Fair Centre, Amfi Hall, Messuaukio 1, Helsinki, Finland. The reception of persons who have registered for the Meeting will commence at 1:30 p.m.

Matters on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting
At the Annual General Meeting, the following matters will be considered:

  1. Opening of the Meeting
  2. Matters of order for the Meeting
  3. Election of the persons to confirm the minutes and to verify the counting of votes
  4. Recording the legal convening of the Meeting and quorum
  5. Recording the attendance at the Meeting and adoption of the list of
  6. Presentation of the Annual Accounts, the report of the Board of Directors
    and the Auditor's report for the year 2010- Review by the President and CEO
  7. Adoption of the Annual Accounts
  8. Resolution on the use of the profit shown on the balance sheet and the
    payment of dividend. The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting a dividend of EUR 0.40 per share for the fiscal year 2010. The dividend would be paid to
    registered in the Register of Shareholders of the Company on the record date of
    the dividend payment, May 6, 2011. The Board proposes that the dividend will be
    paid on or about May 20, 2011.
  9. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Board of Directors
    and the President from liability
  10. Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors
    The Board's Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee proposes to the
    Annual General Meeting that the remuneration payable to the members of the
    Board to be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a term ending at the
    Annual General Meeting in 2012, be remain at the same level than during the past
    three years and be as follows: EUR 440 000 for the Chairman, EUR 150 000 for the
    Vice Chairman, and EUR 130 000 for each member, excluding the President and
    CEO if elected to the Board. In addition, the Committee proposes that the Chairman
    of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Personnel Committee will each
    receive an additional annual fee of EUR 25 000 and other members of the Audit
    Committee an additional annual fee of EUR 10 000 each. The Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee proposes that approximately 40 per cent of the remuneration be paid in Nokia shares purchased from the market, which shares
    shall be retained until the end of the board membership in line with the Nokia
    policy (except for the shares needed to offset any costs relating to the acquisition
    of the shares, including taxes).
  11. Resolution on the number of members of the Board of Directors
    The Board's Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee proposes to the
    Annual General Meeting that the number of Board members be eleven.
  12. Election of members of the Board of Directors The Board's Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the following current Nokia Board members be re-elected as members of the Board of Directors for a term ending at the Annual General Meeting in 2012: Dr. Bengt Holmström, Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann, Per Karlsson, Isabel Marey-Semper, Jorma Ollila, Dame Marjorie Scardino and Risto Siilasmaa. The Committee also proposes that Jouko Karvinen, Helge Lund, Kari Stadigh and Stephen Elop be elected as new members of the Board for the same term. Jouko Karvinen is CEO of Stora Enso Oyj, Helge Lund President of Statoil Group, Kari Stadigh Group CEO and President of Sampo plc and Stephen Elop President and CEO of Nokia Corporation.
  13. Resolution on the remuneration of the Auditor. The Board's Audit Committee proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the external auditor to be elected at the Annual General Meeting be reimbursed according to the invoice of the auditor and in compliance with the purchase policy approved by the Audit Committee.
  14. Election of Auditor The Board's Audit Committee proposes to the Annual General Meeting that PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be re-elected as the auditor of the Company for the fiscal year 2011.
  15. Authorizing the Board of Directors to resolve to repurchase the Company's
    own shares The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorize the Board to resolve to repurchase a maximum of 360 million Nokia shares by using funds in the unrestricted shareholders' equity. Repurchases will reduce funds available for distribution of profits. The shares may be repurchased in order to develop the capital structure of the Company, finance or carry out acquisitions or other arrangements, settle the Company's equity-based incentive plans, be transferred for other purposes, or be cancelled. The shares may be repurchased either a) through a tender offer made to all the shareholders on equal terms; or
    b) through public trading by repurchasing the shares in another proportion than
    that of the current shareholders. It is proposed that the authorization be effective until June 30, 2012 and terminate the corresponding authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on May 6, 2010.
  16. Grant of stock options to selected personnel of Nokia The Board proposes that as a part of Nokia's Equity Program 2011 selected personnel of Nokia Group be granted a maximum of 35 000 000 stock options, which entitle to subscribe for a maximum of 35 000 000 Nokia shares. The exercise prices (i.e. share subscription prices) of the stock options will be determined at time of their grant on a quarterly basis and the stock options will be divided into sub-categories based on their exercise price. The exercise price for each sub-category of stock options will equal to the trade volume weighted average price of the Nokia share on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki during the predefined period of time within the relevant quarter. The exercise price paid will be recorded in the fund for invested non-restricted equity. Stock options in the plan may be granted until the end of 2013. The Stock options have a term of pproximately six years and they will vest three or four years after the grant. The exercise period (i.e. share subscription period) will commence no earlier than July 1, 2014, and terminate no later than December 27, 2019.
  17. Closing of the Meeting

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