RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Bestenbostel new Head of Communications at Škoda Auto

Bestenbostel new Head of Communications at Škoda Auto

31.08.2010 09:40
Peik von Bestenbostel (51) will assume responsibility as Head of Communications at Škoda Auto (Mlada Boleslav), effective September 1, 2010. In this new capacity he will report to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Škoda Auto, Prof. Dr. Winfried Vahland.

Peik von Bestenbostel joined the Volkswagen Group as Head of Corporate and Business at Group Communications two years ago. The trained journalist formerly held posts in the communications departments at BMW AG and Siemens AG.

Until further notice, Stephan Grühsem, General Representative of Volkswagen AG and Head of Group Communications, External Relations and Investor Relations, will take charge of Corporate and Business Communications in addition to his other duties. Michael Brendel (40), currently spokesperson for Sales and Finance, will additionally act as Deputy Head of Corporate Communications with immediate effect.

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