RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Intel® Makes Oscar® Debut

Intel® Makes Oscar® Debut

03.03.2010 09:48
Intel is advertising on the Oscars for the first time. * The 30-second commercial will air during Sunday's telecast on ABC. * The spot highlights the recently launched 2010 Intel Core™ family of processors through "geek humor."

SANTA CLARA, Calif., March 1, 2010 - On the heels of its return as an individual Super Bowl advertiser after a dozen years, Intel Corporation has announced it will be an Oscars® telecast advertiser for the first time.


"The Academy Awards® gives us another opportunity to convey to a huge audience that Intel is a different brand of company," said Heather Dixon, consumer marketing director, Intel Americas. "We're talking the all new 2010 Intel® Core™ processor family being brought to some 36 million viewers only weeks after we reached a Super Bowl audience of 106 million.


"The Super Bowl was a touchdown for us and the Oscars are our extra point."


Intel's Oscar debut, during Sunday's ABC telecast, will be marked by a commercial titled "Generations," which debuted during the Intel® Super Bowl Today Post-Game Show last month. As with most ads under the company's 10-month-old "Sponsors of Tomorrow" marketing campaign, the 30-second spot employs what Intel calls "geek humor." The commercial opens in 1982 with two boys excitedly playing a video game, wired remote and all. Fast forward to 1993 and 2003 and the same two guys - now older, of course (and played by different actors) -- are still blown away by the latest technologies, which here are electronic mail and wireless PCs, respectively. Cut to the present day and the men are now Intel engineers practically speechless over how smart and fast the new Intel Core processors are.


"We're clearly sticking with the geek humor that has been so successful for us," said Johan Jervoe, vice president of Intel's Sales and Marketing Group and director of creative services and digital marketing.


An interesting sidenote, with its latest ad buy Intel could say it has hit the jackpot by spinning 7-7-7 on a marketing-driven slot machine that started, of all places, in Las Vegas. Launch of the Intel Core family of processors was at the International Consumer Electronics Show on Jan. 7. The Super Bowl was Feb. 7. The Oscars are on March 7.


"From the world's largest consumer electronics show to the world's most watched sporting event to the world's biggest awards show - not bad for the first three months of 2010," Jervoe said.


Launched in May 2009, the global "Sponsors of Tomorrow" campaign includes print, online, outdoor and other advertisement placements, plus such additional marketing efforts as in-store and online retail campaigns, all focused on helping consumers choose the best Intel processor that meets their needs. San Francisco-based Venables Bell & Partners is the creative agency with Omnicom Media Group agency OMD in Chicago handling media buys.


Intel, the world's largest chip maker, is also a leading manufacturer of computer, networking and communications products. Additional information about Intel is available at www.intel.com/pressroom.


Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.

OSCAR®, OSCARS® and Academy Awards® are registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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