RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Erste Group´s Top Executive Development Program gets internationally awarded

Erste Group´s Top Executive Development Program gets internationally awarded

10.02.2010 11:19
The Top Executive Program of Erste Group, TED, has been awarded by an international jury for its creativity, flexibility, the regional focus and especially its broad content.

Jim Bolt, co-founder of the FrED initiative (the Future of Executive Development), said at the award ceremony in New York that with TED "Erste Group has left the beaten path of leadership programs and has shown that regional diversity, a made to measure focus on the changing environment especially in banking and strong involvement of the Top Management of the bank into the program has made Erste Group pioneers in adapting Executive Programs to the Challenges of the Future".


FrED wants to significantly improve the quality of leadership in the world through innovation in executive development. The FrED Innovation Awards aim to identify and recognize the most innovative executive development efforts today.


Jim Bolt is convinced "that the diverse challenges that the world is facing today can only be tackled by the quality of leadership. We felt strongly that innovations in executive development could go a long way in addressing today's challenges and in building a bridge to a new kind of leadership needed for the future. We want to significantly improve the quality of leadership in the world through innovation in executive development", said Bolt.


TED is the Top Executive Development Program of Erste Group. It was developed in house in 2005 not only to develop a feeling for what innovative and forward thinking management and leadership is all about but also to convey unity amongst the managers despite their cultural and economical differences, which are not to be neglected within the CEE region. Further


TED was designed as a learning experience to provide our executives with a different view on the world through gaining experiences in different countries and with different cultures. "We did not team up with a specific business school in order to be flexible in selecting the best partners for our very different topics that we want to discuss and teach with our top leaders in the whole group. It is a very though and time consuming program but it obviously pays off", said Andreas Treichl, CEO of Erste Group Bank AG, when receiving the FrED award.

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