RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Presentations 2010

Presentations 2010

10.02.2010 10:35
We present analysts and investors with statements, figures and facts relating to Deutsche Telekom's strategic and finance-relevant activities and plans.

January 5, 2010: Presentation of Robert Dotson, CEO T-Mobile USA , at Citigroup Annual Entertainment, Media & Telecommunications Conference, Phoenix
Audio on demand of webcast (51 min.)


January 13, 2010: Presentation of Timotheus Höttges, CFO, at Commerzbank German Investment Conference, New York City .
Presentation, 383 KB (PDF)


January 18, 2010: Presentation of René Obermann, CEO, at Cheuvreux-German Corporate Conference 2010, Frankfurt.
Presentation, 380 KB (PDF)

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