RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Zentiva N.V. Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on November 04, 2009

Zentiva N.V. Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on November 04, 2009

22.10.2009 14:29
Zentiva N.V. Extraordinary General Meeting Convening Notice

Dear Shareholders:
In accordance with Articles 21, 22 and 23 of our Articles of Association, the Board of Managing Directors of Zentiva N.V. (the "Board") is pleased to invite you to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (the "Extraordinary General Meeting") of Zentiva N.V. ("Zentiva" or the "Company") that will take place:


November 04, 2009 at 10:00am, Amsterdam time (registration starts at 9:30am, Amsterdam time)


Olympic Plaza, Fred. Roeskestraat 123, 1076 EE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


1. Opening
2. Announcements
3. Appointment of a Director A (voting item)
4. Resignation and discharge of liability of a Director B (voting item)
5. Appointment of a Director B (voting item)
6. Closing


Note to Item No. 3:
This agenda item is a voting item.
Currently, the Board is composed of one Director A and five Directors B. On October 09, 2009 the Board determined in accordance with article 14.1 of the Company's articles of association that the Company shall have two Directors A. Therefore, there is one Director A vacancy on the Board open for election by this Extraordinary General Meeting.
The Board recommends appointment of Mr. Rob Koremans. A biography of this candidate is contained in Appendix hereto. The candidate holds no shares in the Company.

Note to Item No. 4:
This agenda item is a voting item.
The Company has received a letter from Ms. Laurence Debroux, in which she submits her resignation as Director B of the Company as per September 22, 2009. It is a general customary practice that following the resignation of a Board member, the relevant Board member is granted a discharge from its responsibilities in its capacity as board member.

Note to Item No. 5:
This agenda item is a voting item.
Currently, the Board is composed of one Director A and five Directors B. As noted above, a Director B resigned from the Board as of September 22, 2009.
On October 09, 2009 the Board determined in accordance with article 14.1 of the Company's articles of association that the Company shall have six Directors B. Therefore, there is one Director B vacancy on the Board open for election by this Extraordinary General Meeting.
The Board recommends appointment of Mr. Jérome Contamine. A biography of this candidate is contained in Appendix hereto. The candidate holds no shares in the Company.



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