RM-SYSTÉM»Události»VIG Investor Information - Preliminary Financial Calendar 2015

VIG Investor Information - Preliminary Financial Calendar 2015

17.10.2014 10:50

Preliminary Financial Calendar 2015

Date and Topic
27 January 2015 Publication: Preliminary unconsolidated premiums 2014
14 April 2015 Results and Embedded Value 2014
20 May 2015 Results for the first quarter 2015
29 May 2015 Annual General Meeting
03 June 2015 Ex-dividend-day
08 June 2015 Dividend payment day
25 August 2015 Results for the first half-year 2015
24 November 2015 Results for the first three quarters 2015

Financial Calendar 2015: http://www.vig.com/en/investor-relations/ir-calendar.html

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