RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Orco Property Group - Results of General Meeting of Shareholders

Orco Property Group - Results of General Meeting of Shareholders

07.01.2014 12:35
Luxembourg, 6 January 2014

Orco Property Group - Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

An ordinary general meeting of shareholders of Orco Property Group S.A. (the "Company") was held on 6 January 2014 in Luxembourg (the "Meeting"), with approximately 78% percent of the voting rights present or represented. The Meeting was held following the adjournment of the general meeting of 6 December 2013.
The Meeting resolved to remove the following directors from the board of directors of the Company, effective today: Nicolas Tommasini, Guy Shanon and Ian Cash. The Meeting also acknowledged the resignation of Alexis Juan from the board of directors as of 20 December 2013. The board of directors of the Company is now comprised of 5 members: Jiri Dedera, Edward Hughes, Jean - Francois Ott, Radovan Vitek and Guy Wallier.

For more information, visit our shareholder corner on www.orcogroup.com

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