RM-SYSTÉM»Události»NWR - OKD signs Memorandum of Understanding on Paskov with the Czech State

NWR - OKD signs Memorandum of Understanding on Paskov with the Czech State

06.01.2014 15:06
Amsterdam, 6 January 2014

New World Resources Plc ('NWR' or the 'Company'), announces today that its wholly owned subsidiary, OKD a.s. ('OKD') has signed with the Czech State a Memorandum of Understanding ('the Memorandum') on the closure of its Paskov mine.


This Memorandum establishes a framework for co-operation. It sets out the role of each party, and explains how they work together towards a mutually beneficial solution by 31 March 2014 at the latest.


In this context the parties will explore the option of OKD extending the operation of the mine until 31 December 2016 for its own risk and account after which ownership of the mine will be transferred to the Czech State for a symbolic CZK 1,- for closure. This would be subject to certain conditions, such as approval of the European Commission and support of the mine's key stakeholders.

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RM-SYSTÉM, česká burza cenných papírů a.s.

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