RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Nokia to publish its third quarter 2013 and January-September 2013 interim report on 29.10.2013

Nokia to publish its third quarter 2013 and January-September 2013 interim report on 29.10.2013

23.10.2013 09:01
Espoo, Finland - Nokia will publish its third quarter 2013 and January-September 2013 interim report on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at approximately 1pm Finnish time (CET+1). The report will be made available on the Nokia website.
  • Nokia's financial reporting to include two reportable segments within NSN
  • NSN standalone interim report also scheduled for October 29, 2013

A conference call for Nokia investors will begin at 3pm Finnish time. A webcast of the conference call will be available at http://investors.nokia.com. Media representatives can view the webcast or listen in at +1 706 634 5012, conference ID 83699193.

Nokia publishes only a summary of its interim reports in stock exchange releases. The stock exchange releases include a link to the relevant complete interim report with tables in PDF-format. The complete third quarter 2013 and January-September 2013 interim report with tables will be available at http://www.results.nokia.com/results/Nokia_results2013Q3e.pdf. Investors should not rely on summaries of our interim reports only, but should review the complete interim reports with tables.

Additionally, the complete interim reports with tables will be available shortly after publication at http://www.nokia.com/financials, where you may also access our past quarterly and annual financial reports.

Nokia reporting structure
To date, NSN has been reported as a single reportable segment for Nokia financial reporting purposes. During Q3 2013, Nokia acquired Siemens' stake in NSN and as a result, NSN is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nokia. Consequently, beginning with this interim report, Nokia reports financial information for two operating and reportable segments within NSN - Mobile Broadband and Global Services - which reflects how Nokia management is reviewing the NSN financial information following the completion of the transaction. As a result, in its interim report, Nokia will be presenting financial information for a total of five operating and reportable segments: Smart Devices and Mobile Phones within Devices & Services; HERE; and Mobile Broadband and Global Services within NSN.

NSN standalone interim report
As previously announced, as a result of the debt securities NSN issued in March 2013, NSN is committed to making certain financial data publicly available through its standalone reporting format. Consequently, NSN also plans to publish its standalone third quarter 2013 and January-September 2013 interim report on October 29, 2013 at approximately 1.30pm Finnish time. The report will also be made available on NSN's website at: www.nsn.com/about-us/company/financial/financial-results.

The reported financial results presented on a standalone basis by NSN may differ from those reported by Nokia due to the treatment of discontinued operations and certain accounting presentation differences. In addition, the presentation of underlying business performance information by Nokia and NSN differs due to presentation differences adopted by Nokia (non-IFRS information) and NSN (information before specific items) and the items excluded by each in their respective presentations.

See more at Nokia website

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