RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Annual Report and Accounts 2012 and Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Annual Report and Accounts 2012 and Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

27.03.2013 09:10

New World Resources Plc ('NWR' or the 'Company'), one of Central Europe's leading hard coal and coke producer, announces today that it has published its Annual Report and Accounts 2012 and its Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held on 26 April 2013 at
10:00 a.m. (CET) at the Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Stationsplein ZW 951, 1117 CE Schiphol-Oost, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Copies of the following documents:

- Annual Report and Accounts 2012

- Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

- Form of Proxy

have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection on the website: www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do.

The documents listed above are also available on the website of NWR at www.newworldresources.eu and are also available for review at the Company's registered office at: c/o Hackwood Secretaries, One Silk Street, London EC2Y 8HQ, United Kingdom, and the Company's office at: Jachthavenweg 109h, 1081 KM Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Regulatory News Announcement

Annual Report & Accounts 2012

RM-SYSTÉM, česká burza cenných papírů a.s.

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