RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Orco Property Group - Major shareholding notifications

Orco Property Group - Major shareholding notifications

15.11.2012 14:54

Orco Property Group S.A. ("OPG") received notification on 12 November 2012 that Crestline Ventures Corp ("Crestline") transferred 12,056,281 OPG shares to Gamala Limited ("Gamala") on 7 November 2012. As a result of this transaction, Gamala's shareholding in OPG increased above the 10%, 15% and 20% thresholds and holds 22,320,489 OPG shares representing 20.70% percent of OPG's total share capital and voting rights. Concurrently, Crestline's shareholding decreased below the 10%, 5% and 2.5% thresholds and holds no OPG shares. Mr. Radovan Vitek is the ultimate beneficial owner of Crestline and Gamala.

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