RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Deliveries by Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand in first three quarters

Deliveries by Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand in first three quarters

10.10.2012 08:56

A new record for Volkswagen Passenger Cars: For the first time, the brand delivered over four million vehicles in the first three quarters. From January to September, Europe's largest automaker handed over 4.21 (January-September 2011: 3.81; +10.6 percent) million vehicles to customers. The brand delivered 492,500 (September 2011: 472,100; +4.3 percent) vehicles in the month of September. "Volkswagen Passenger Cars enjoyed further strong growth in September, above all outside Europe. Given the continued difficult conditions on automobile markets in Western Europe we remain very vigilant, but we are nevertheless optimistic as regards the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, because we are launching our most important vehicle, the new Golf, over the coming weeks. We are very satisfied with over 15,000 advance orders placed so far", Christian Klingler, Board Member for Sales and Marketing for the Volkswagen Group and the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, said.

In the Asia-Pacific region, the brand grew deliveries by 16.4 percent from January to September and handed over 1.68 (1.44) million vehicles to customers, of which 1.52 (1.29; +17.2 percent) million units were delivered in China (incl. Hong Kong), the region's largest single market. The Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand also performed very well on the American continent in the period to September, increasing deliveries in the North America region by 26.1 percent to 456,500 (362,000) units. Growth was especially strong in the United States, where customers took possession of 323,100 (235,500; +37.2 percent) vehicles. In South America, deliveries rose by 8.1 percent to 626,200 (579,400) vehicles.

Volkswagen Passenger Cars handed over 1.30 (1.30; +0.2 percent) million vehicles to customers on the overall European market in the first three quarters. The brand generated growth in Central and Eastern Europe, where deliveries rose by 32.1 percent to 199,800 (151,300) vehicles. In Russia, the region's largest single market, deliveries increased to 123,000 (78,900; +55.9 percent) units. In Western Europe (excluding Germany), on the other hand, the number of vehicles handed over to customers fell by 6.2 percent to 653,300 (696,100) units as a result of the difficult situation on the overall market. In Germany, Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivered 447,000 (449,600; -0.6 percent) vehicles in the period to September.

Source: Volkswagen AG

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