RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand delivers 2.29 million vehicles in period to May / +9.4 percent

Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand delivers 2.29 million vehicles in period to May / +9.4 percent

12.06.2012 11:48
Deliveries by the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand increased by 9.4 percent in the period from January to May to 2.29 (January-May 2011: 2.09) million units. The brand handed over 476,900 (May 2011: 436,500; +9.3 percent) vehicles to customers in the month of May. “The Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand achieved a very respectable performance on markets worldwide in May. However, the situation on markets in Western Europe remains tense”, Christian Klingler, Board Member for Sales and Marketing for the Volkswagen Group and the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, commented.

The Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand grew deliveries in particular outside Europe. In the Asia-Pacific region the brand reported an increase of 14.8 percent in deliveries for the period to May, handing over 909,100 (792,100) vehicles to customers, of which 819,300 (714,200; +14.7 percent) units were delivered in China (incl. Hong Kong), the region's largest single market. The brand also developed very well on the American continent. Deliveries by Volkswagen Passenger Cars in the North America region for the period January to May grew 24.4 percent to 242,100 (194,600) vehicles, of which 170,600 (125,700; +35.7 percent) units were handed over to customers in the USA. In the South America region, the brand delivered 312,200 (311,600; +0.2 percent) vehicles.

The ongoing difficult situation on markets in Western Europe also had an impact on vehicle deliveries, with Volkswagen Passenger Cars handing over 742,900 (722,700; +2.8 percent) units on the overall European market from January to May. In Western Europe (excluding Germany) deliveries for the period to May were 5.8 percent down at 378,600 (402,000) units. On the home market of Germany, Volkswagen Passenger Cars grew deliveries 2.9 percent to 255,900 (248,800) vehicles. Deliveries in the Central and Eastern Europe region, on the other hand, grew by a substantial 50.8 percent to 108,400 (71,900) units. In Russia, deliveries continued to develop at a high level and totaled 65,300 (34,400; +90.1 percent) units.

Source: Volkswagen Group

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