RM-SYSTÉM»Události»Strong rise in deliveries for Volkswagen Group

Strong rise in deliveries for Volkswagen Group

12.03.2012 13:48
Global vehicle deliveries by the Volkswagen Group in January and February 2012 rose by 7.7 percent to 1.29 (January-February 2011: 1.20)* million units. On a world automotive market which was up by roughly 6 percent, Europe’s largest automaker therefore extended its market position further and won market share. The month of February was particularly satisfactory, with vehicle deliveries totaling 642,300 (February 2011: 557,900; +15.1 percent)* units. “We are very satisfied with the Group’s noticeably positive performance. However, we will remain vigilant over the coming months in spite of this clear upward trend and are keeping a very close eye on the markets – especially in Western Europe”, the Group Board Member for Sales, Christian Klingler, said in Wolfsburg on Friday.
  • 1.29 million vehicles delivered in period to February - 7.7 percent rise
  • 15.1 percent increase to 642,300 units in month of February
  • Group Board Member for Sales Christian Klingler: "Satisfied with Group's performance - will remain vigilant over the coming months"

The Group brands delivered a total of 532,700 (526,000; +1.3 percent) vehicles on the overall European market in the period to February. 281,200 (302,200; -7.0 percent) customers took delivery of a new vehicle on markets in Western Europe (excluding Germany), which are characterized by uncertainty at the moment. On the home market of Germany, Europe's largest automotive group grew deliveries to 162,300 (157,300; +3.2 percent) units. The company once again reported strong growth in Central and Eastern Europe, where 89,200 (66,500; +34.2 percent) vehicles were delivered to customers.

The Group announced encouraging delivery figures for the Asia / Pacific region in the first two months of the year, handing over 451,200 (394,600; +14.4 percent) vehicles to customers there, of which 397,400 (350,600; +13.4 percent) units were delivered in China, the largest single market. In India, deliveries increased by 23.1 percent to 19,800 (16,100) units.

Deliveries also continued to develop well on the American continent. In January and February, the number of vehicles sold in the North America region increased by 25.7 percent to 110,100 (87,600) units, of which 76,000 (55,700; +36.5 percent) units were delivered in the USA. The Volkswagen Group handed over 146,200 (145,400; +0,6 percent) vehicles to customers in the South America region during the same period.

Outline of developments at Group brands

Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivered 818,800 (758,100; +8.0 percent) vehicles to customers worldwide in January and February. The brand developed particularly well in the Central and Eastern Europe region, where 35,800 (21,900; +63.6 percent) units were handed over. In the North America region, Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand delivered 83,500 (64,600; +29.2 percent) vehicles, while deliveries in the Asia / Pacific region ran at 333,200 (301,200; +10.6 percent) units.

Audi sold 202,700 (186,800; +8.5 percent) vehicles worldwide in the period to February. Deliveries by the premium brand from Ingolstadt developed particularly well in North America where 21,900 (18,800; +16.2 percent) models were handed over to customers. 69,700 (51,000) vehicles were delivered in the Asia / Pacific region over the same period, an increase of 36.7 percent.

ŠKODA delivered a total of 147,500 (132,100; +11.6 percent) vehicles in January and February. The Czech automaker reported particularly strong gains in Central and Eastern Europe, delivering 37,900 (32,400; +17.1 percent) units there, and in the Asia / Pacific region, where 45,500 (40,700; +11.9 percent) vehicles were handed over to customers.

SEAT sold 44,800 (51,000; -12.2 percent) vehicles worldwide in the period to February, mainly as a result of shrinking markets in Western Europe. In contrast, deliveries by the Spanish brand in Germany increased by 3.7 percent to 7,400 (7,200) units, deliveries in the UK rose to 3,500 (3,200; +9.7 percent) units, and deliveries in Mexico increased to 3,400 (3,000; +13.4 percent) units.

Deliveries by Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles for the period to February rose by 8.9 percent to 79,700 (73,200) vehicles. The brand reported particularly good sales in the Central and Eastern Europe region, where 6,200 (4,100; +52.8 percent) vehicles were delivered, in the South America region, where 21,500 (21,200; +1.6 percent) units were handed over to customers, and in the home market of Germany, where deliveries ran at 18,200 (15,500; +17.8 percent) vehicles.

*) expected figures; excluding MAN and Scania

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